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  5. Using BBCODE


Published 1 February 2023, Updated 2 February 2023

BBCode is short for Bulletin Board Code. It is used as a way for formatting posts made on message boards, blogs and more. It is similar to HTML in the sense that in BBCode one does also use tags to format something specific (contained within the tag). In BBCode tags are indicated by rectangular brackets surrounding a keyword, which is in turn transformed into HTML before being delivered to a web browser.

AirSupervision uses different types of tags to insert in the text, as follow:

  • Simple tags: [tag]something[/tag]
  • Simple parameterized tags: [tag=value]something[/tag] or [tag=value]something[/tag=value]
  • Complex parameterized tags: [tag value1=xxx value2=yyy]something[/tag]

While the system uses common BBCode tags, it also have specific internal tags. To add an item, user can select a text then click on the selected tag, the text will be automatically surrounded by the corresponding tags. The other way will be to insert a tag at the caret location.

Name &&
Short Menu
[B]{text}[/B]Makes {text} bold
[I]{text}[/I]Makes {text} italic
[U]{text}[/U]Underlines {text}
[SUP]{text}[/SUP]Superscript {text}
[SUB]{text}[/SUB]Subscript {text}
Image[IMG]{url}[/IMG]Shows the image indicated by {url}
Link[URL]{url}[/URL] or
Makes a link to {url} with or without displaying a {text}
Internal image[LIMG WIDTH={value} HEIGHT={value} POS={LEFT/CENTER/RIGHT} NOOPEN]{file}[/LIMG]Opens the media selector, select options to be included.
Internal documents[LINK]{url}[/LINK] or
Opens the public only selector and makes a link to {url} with or without displaying a {text}
Smiley😉 or 🙁 and moreSelect a smiley to be displayed
Mail[MAILTO]{email}[/MAILTO] or
Makes a link to {email} with or without displaying a {text}. Link will open the client email software.
Font color
[TEXTCOLOR={color}]{text}[/TEXTCOLOR={color}]Changes the {color} of {text}. Colors are HTML standard colors code or hexadecimal value.
Background color
[BGCOLOR= {color}]{text}[/BGCOLOR={color}]Changes the background {color} of {text}. Colors are HTML standard colors code or hexadecimal value.
Date1st January 2020Insert the actual date
Extended menu (includes short menu)
Font size
[SIZE={value}]{text}[/SIZE={value}]Change the font size of {text}. Size are in pixel or select a predefined size.
Font family
[FONTFAMILY={fontname}]{text} [/FONTFAMILY={fontname}]Change the font family type of the {text}. All HTML font family are accepted. However, PDF printing is limited to Times, Helvetica and Courrier type.
[STRIKE]{text}[/STRIKE]Create a strikethrough on {text}
Break[BR] or [BR CLEAR]Add a return carriage, and clear all previous floating positions
Space[SPACE=[value}]Add a number a space set by {value}
LowercaseSelect a text to apply lowercase
UppercaseSelect a text to apply uppercase
Tab section[TAB={value}]{text}[/TAB]Indent the selected {text} by {value} times.
This is a
sample text
[DIV]{text}[/DIV] or
[DIV COLOR={color}]{text}[/DIV]
Create a section for {text} and optionally {color} the background. Colors are HTML standard colors code or hexadecimal value.
Line[HR]Add a line

  • Item

  • Item

[LIST]{items}[/LIST]Add an unordored list. Each item will be preceed by a bullet
Ordered list

  1. Item

  2. Item

[LIST=1]{items}[/LIST=1]Add an ordored list. Each item will be preceeded by a number starting with 1
List item
  • Item
  • [ITEM]{text}[/ITEM]Add an item with {text} for an unordored or ordered list.
    [CENTER]{text}[/CENTER]Center the {text}
    Text is justified
    [JUSTIFY]{text}[/JUSTIFY]Justify the {text}
    [LEFT]{text}[/LEFT]Set the {text} to the left (default)
    [RIGHT]{text}[/RIGHT]Set the {text} to the right
    [PRE]{text}[/PRE]Display the code as it is. opening and closing tag <> will remains and be dislayed
    Comment[COMMENT]{text}[/COMMENT]The {text} will never be displayed or printed

    !{size} {title} !!{size} {title} !!{size} {title}
    |{align} {text} ||{align} {text} ||{align} {text}
    |{align} {text} || {text} || {text}
    | {text} || {text} || {text}
    Create a table with options as follow
    BORDER = add border around each cell
    {tablewidth} = width of the table (optional)
    |- = new row
    ! = first header column
    !! = next header column
    | = first column of a row
    || = next column of a row

    Youtube[youtube]{id}[/youtube]Shows the youtube video indicated by {id}
    Symbol≤∞ and …Add a symbol
    Printing menu (PDF)
    Input text[PDFTEXTFIELD]{text}[/PDFTEXTFIELD] or
    Insert an input field of a specific {size} and default {text}
    Checkbox[PDFCHECKBOX]{text}[/PDFCHECKBOX]Insert a checkbox with {text} as label on the right
    Radio button[PDFRADIO]{text}[/PDFRADIO] or
    Insert a radio button with {id} as a group id and {text} as label on the right
    Textarea[PDFTEXTAREA]{text}[/PDFTEXTAREA] or
    [PDFTEXTAREA={ width},{height}]{text}[/PDFTEXTAREA]
    Insert a textarea with {width} and {height} and {text} as default
    Select box[PDFCOMBO={width}]{items} [/PDFCOMBO]Insert a select dropdown box with a specific {width} and items as follow:
    A=Item 1;B=Item 2;C=Item 3;…etc…
    Orientation[PDFORIENTATION={orientation}]Generally set at the top beginning of the design, user can define orientation as follow
    P = portrait
    L = landscape.
    Format[PDFSIZE={format}]Generally set at the top beginning of the design, user can define page size as follow
    LETTER = 8.5in x 11in
    LEGAL = 8.5in x 14in
    TABLOID = 11in x 17in
    A4 = 219mm x 297mm
    A3 = 297 mm x 420 mm
    Lock user[PDFUSERLOCK={level}]Generally set at the top beginning of the design, user can define the minimum level of power a member must have to output the page
    New page[PDFNEWPAGE={orientation} {format}]Start a new page
    Page header[PDFHEADER={type}]Generally set at the top beginning of the design, user can define header as follow
    NO = no default header
    LOGO = with logo
    LOGOBIG = with big logo
    COMPLET = with logo and title
    COMPLETDATE = with logo and printed date
    Page footer[PDFFOOTER={type}]Generally set at the top beginning of the design, user can define footer as follow
    NO = no default footer
    NORMAL= with page/total page
    INITIAL= with page/total page, 2 initials place
    CUSTOM= Address of organization centered
    CORRECT= with page/total page, I certify this page correct – Name, license, signature
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