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Published 9 January 2023, Updated 16 January 2023

User can defined some settings to enhance security or layout.

Section 1 – Security questions

Security questions will bring to your authentication process an extra layer of certainty. Security problems are an alternative way to recognize users when they have forgotten their password.

Users can define up to 3 security questions to enforce security. Answers are case insensitive and should meet these criteria:

  1. Safe : Cannot be guessed or researched.
  2. Stable : Does not change over time.
  3. Memorable : Can be remembered.
  4. Simple : Is precise, easy, and consistent.
  5. Many : Has many possible answers.

Section 2 – Credentials information

Displays the user credentials

Credentials are set by the organization administrators and can give access to some of the portal features. They are grouped as follow:

Can enter and use the activities sheetActivity sheet are working time requested by member. Access granted for “Add an activity”
Can validate and accept activitiesAccepting and validating working time request. Member will have access to “Validate activities” center
Can administrate accountingAccounting Management Administrator have all access to accounting functions and displays. They have also credentials than accounting supervisor and users. They can define items using (Controls->Accounting->Products items).
Can supervise accounting (refund, delete, void)Accounting Management supervisor can refund, delete or void an invoice using (Controls->Accounting->Operations center). They can also create invoices and make deposits. They can also check Member accounts balance.
Can use accounting functions (invoice, deposit)Accounting users can create invoices and make deposit.
Can use the message centerMember should always have access to the internal “Message center”.
Can be a course instructor for a lessonAll lessons are conducted by an instructor, teacher or leader. Granting the option will add member to the dropdown selected list.
Can be course responsible and see all dataAccess to all courses and lessons content.
Can attach, close or delete coursesBulk actions are also granted.
Can create and manage coursesAccess to “Course design center” if only is assigned as a course modifier. Granted access to High level administrator power
Can add multiple entries in coursesIf “Multiple entries” course option is activated, member can add multiple entries for each lesson to a group of member. Undo action is provided to member.
Can modify or delete a lessonAccess to “Lesson correction”. Correction can only be process if requested by member.
Can modify a lesson statusAccess to “Lesson correction” to toggle lesson status between passed or failed. Correction can only be process if requested by member.
Can manage course responsible by batch“Responsible center” provides the ability to overview and manage course responsible assignments
Can see course responsible center“Responsible center” provides the ability to only overview course responsible assignments.
Can create and manage course itemsAccess to “Course design center”. Each lesson can have exercises as items. If only is assigned as a course modifier. Granted access to High level administrator power
Can create and manage CBTAAccess to “Course design center” and design Competency Based Training Assessment.
Can create and manage Dynamic docsAccess to “Course design center”. Managing autofill documents which can be linked to lesson and accessible only if lesson status is passed.
Can register a noshowNo shows statistics can be computed. Member having access to multiple entries.
Is supervisor for multiple entries in coursesIf “Multiple entries” course option is activated, member can add multiple entries for each lesson to a group of member. Undo all action is provided.
Can manage courses creditsCourses can be credited of hours or lessons. Open an assigned courses and modify detail entries.
Event report
Can manage Event reportAccess to “Event center” to manage reports.
Can manage Security SMSAccess to “Event center” to provide Safety Management System analysis support and report.
Can overview SMS Safety Performance KeysProvide to member an overview of Safety Performance Keys indicators (SPKI). Statistics are also display on homepage and in mobile version.
Can de-snagAccess to “Maintenance center”. While flight record users can snag resources and set it as unavailable, members ganted with this option are able to unsquawk and automatically unsquawk the event.
Can viewAccess to “Maintenance center” in a view-only mode.
Can add resourcesAccess to “Maintenance center” and manage resources.
Manage members profile and upload files.Manage members profile and upload files.
Can see sensitives infos about membersMember sensitive informations are: Responsibilities and Duties content, date and place of birth, Country foreigners status details, pending or expired events status, gender details, citizenship, address and phone numbers, emergency informations, personal socio demographics data.
Can upload personal files and internet linksGranted option to upload member profile files and internet links.
Can overpassed level setting to lock filesUploaded files can be locked to restrict access to member power. Such as, granting this option, shall give the ability to overpass the limitation.
Override automatic logout time out session if setIf defined in system settings, automatic logout will be overridden. Session will always still open in browser. Careful in public access devices.
Can monitor recommendation failureFailed lesson, if set, can compute member recommendation failures. Statistics will be displayed in each member profile and on homepage.
Can set or remove defined roles in organizationMember can manage roles, set to be modified by the same level of power in general settings.
Can manage members groupsManage groups list.
Can set or remove all roles in organizationOverride limits to manage member roles.
Can delete or rename uploaded filesFull access to manage all uploaded files.
Can access performances dataAccess to member profile performance statistics.
Can change password and see logsGranted option to modify or reset a password and see member logs.
Can upload picturesUploading media files in “Pictures” access.
Can create news on homepageNews are displayed in homepage.
Can deploy memorandumsManage memorandums.
Can manage E-trainings or surveyE-trainings are online courses, surveys, quizzes that are addressed as trainings. Competencies can be added if validated by a quiz. E-trainings Manager can add, modify, update, delete E-trainings.
Can deploy memorandums on behalf of another personDeploy memorandums on behalf of another person. Access to “Can deploy memorandums” has to be activated.
Can create idcardsIDcards design center.
Can manage E-coursesE-courses are online courses. E-courses Manager can add, modify, update, delete E-courses.
Can review E-coursesThis option set the member as an E-courses reviewer and will be able to manage all review request from users.
Can see and launch all E-coursesEven if not listed in E-courses options, member with this credentials will be able to display and launch all E-courses.
Quality Assurance
Can use Quality Assurance functionsQuality Assurance functions include various indicators and reports.
Can access audit toolsQuality assurance “Control center” users with auditing actions.
Can administrate Quality AssuranceQuality assurance “Control center” users access to settings.
Can Request SQL databaseCompute system database SQL request.
Can view statistical toolsGranting access to “Statistical tools”
Schedule and Flights
Can view daily flight record and use schedulerFull access to view Flight record and manage Scheduler. System settings grants access to manage Flight record.
Can have a user schedule columnSet own defined column in Scheduler
Restrict to scheduler onlyForce member to not view Flight record. “Can view daily flight record and use scheduler” has to be activated.
Can manage task in flight recordTask scheduler access
Can view details in scheduler when static modeStatic mode is available to member if “Authorize other loggued users to only see scheduler” has been activated in system settings. This option set member to view.
Can NOT add or modify TRAINING session in schedulerWhile not in static mode, disable managing specific activity type.
Can NOT add or modify RENTING session in schedulerWhile not in static mode, disable managing specific activity type.
Can NOT add or modify INTERNAL session in schedulerWhile not in static mode, disable managing specific activity type.
Can NOT add or modify GROUND session in schedulerWhile not in static mode, disable managing specific activity type.
Can NOT add or modify OTHER session in schedulerWhile not in static mode, disable managing specific activity type.
Can NOT add or modify SOLO session in schedulerWhile not in static mode, disable managing specific activity type.
Can NOT add or modify UNAVAILABLE session in schedulerWhile not in static mode, disable managing specific activity type.
Can see History tab in schedulerDisplay schedule history tab.
Can see other member Requirement tab in schedulerDisplay schedule requirement tab.
Can tap to times action on mobile versionDisplay Start, Engine Off, Take off and landing time in mobile version to Pilot in Command when Flight record activity has been ramp out.

Section 3 – Homepage layout

This section provides the user the ability to customize the portal homepage when logged.

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