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Complementary emails

Published 9 February 2023, Updated 9 February 2023

AirSupervision provides complementary emails functions to the organization portal. A complementary email can be provided by the organization to the member. Such as an email address to all students and personnel having a specific domain name set by administrators.

These emails are totally independent from the primary email, the latter shall be a personal email intended to login the system. The organization shall keep in mind that setting the primary email of a member as the same of any complementary email could be an issue when passwords are lost, because the system will always use the primary email to send request or temporary password.

While the member can view the list of complimentary emails provided by the organization, and modify their passwo as shown in the screenshot below.

Individual complementary emails manager

With right settings, the user can manage complementary emails of member through the profile page.

  • Default quota is set by administrators to limit the provider server increased. But, user can modify it, or set to 0 for unlimited space storage.
  • Emails can be suspended, but not deleted. Nobody will be able to access this email. In the case of a resignation of a member, if necessary, user can reassign the email to somebody else instead of suspend it. In this is the case, the new member will be able to modify the password and retrieve content of the mailbox. However, the organization shall consider any laws related to Access to Information Act and confidentiality before swapping the email address owner.
  • Creating a new complementary email shall begin with providing the email address, generate a password, set the quota and click on create. User shall always send to member’s primary email (personal email) informations regarding the new email. Information will include settings to access the organization webmail URL and the generated password assigned.
    As a safety measure, member shall immediately modify the email password.

General complementary emails manager

Also the user can manage complementary emails of all member using the main menu Admin>Manage>Emails manager option.

From the displayed grid, complementary emails are detailed as follow:

  • The date of creation
  • The email address
  • The member to whom it has been assigned
  • The assigned quota limit
  • The storage used in Megabyte
  • The storage used in percent vs the quota
  • Active or suspended status

Adding or modifying a complementary email will provide the user the ability to set or reassign email to a new member.

If a password is generated and details sent to new member, as a safety measure, member shall immediately modify the email password.

Quick suspension

For a immediate resignation of the member, the best and rapid way to disable any complimentary email, without suspending it, is to generate new passwords for each of them without sending any informations on the primary email.

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